2022 Bristol Bay Salmon Season Wrap Up

Here at Wild for Salmon, the month of August brings about many things for our team. Specifically, we see the return o...

2022 Bristol Bay Alaska Salmon Fishing: Midseason Update

This year’s mid season fishing update has arrived, and with it, a surprising amount of updates and unpredictable chan...

2022 Bristol Bay Alaska Salmon Fishing: Preseason Update

As we are well into June, it’s time for our annual Pre Fishing Season Update! Each year our crew heads to Bristol Ba...

2021 Bristol Bay Season Recap

It’s officially September, which means that by now, our fishermen have returned home from the salty seas of Bristol ...

2021 Bristol Bay Sockeye Salmon Fishing Update

If you haven't watched our latest YouTube video I suggest scrolling back up and hitting play! Captain Steve and Dec...

The 2021 Summer Sockeye Season is Underway!

    This summer marks 20 years of fishing sockeye salmon in Bristol Bay, Alaska for Captain Steve.  With a crew tota...

The Sockeye Salmon Life Cycle and Fresh Fish all Year Round

Wild for Salmon is dedicated to our customers’ experience with our company and our wild Alaska seafood. While the Ame...

The Epic Return of Salmon: Gearing Up for Salmon Fishing Season

It’s that time of year when fishermen gather in Bristol Bay, Alaska for the largest sockeye salmon run in the world.W...

A busy, successful season for the F/V Ava Jane! 

“Patience is the word of the year.”  In case you didn’t get a chance to catch up with Steve and the F/V Ava Jane at ...

Follow Along with the Bristol Bay salmon season

Looking to follow along with the Bristol Bay Salmon Season? You can tune in to KDLG from home to hear the Bristol Bay...

Fish ho! Time to head north!

Here in Bellingham (Hi! It's Elma), the waterfront is a bustling place to be. During the last few weekends, many folk...

Missed Fishtival? Let's Catch You Up! Opportunity to Save.

Fishtival is our annual “Welcome home!” festival for Steve and our local fishermen, where we celebrate the season’s ...

How Do You Save What You Love?

This past week Mark Titus, who spent a week aboard the F/V Ava Jane this summer, joined the Wild for Salmon crew, aga...