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How Seafood Protects Your Heart: Two Recipes
Why does seafood protect your heart?
During this 57th American Heart Month, there’s lots of talk about how to eat we...
What to Look for in Quality Seafood When Shopping Online
Are you hesitant to buy seafood online? At Wild for Salmon, we understand not everyone is used to buying fish online....
New Year, Same Health Benefits of Sockeye Salmon
Happy New Year! You are perfect just the way you are! :) Wild for Salmon is not here to set or dictate your 2020 heal...
An important conversation with Brain Health Kitchen's Annie Fenn
Wild for Salmon cares about your health. So does Dr. Annie Fenn, with whom we recently spoke on the topic of brain he...
Pass on Farmed Salmon for Your Health
A Reminder about the Dangers of Farmed Salmon
Salmon farming is a controversial issue, and we could write scores of ...
How Farmers Turn Their Salmon Pink (TIME)
*Article Published by TimeHealth*
Written by: Mahita Gajanan
When Don Read feeds the salmon on his fish farm, he add...