In recent months here at Wild for Salmon, we have fielded some questions regarding our product in relation to the Jewish law of kosher eating and the production of seafood. We are glad to take this opportunity to clarify that our salmon products can be considered kosher!
In our research, we found that scaled and finned fish can be considered kosher and that salmon, even when skinned, can be considered kosher because it is unmistakably salmon. The Orthodox Union explains, “we still endorse the idea of buying skinless salmon [without scales visible]. So long as the consumer is familiar with what salmon is supposed to look like, we are not concerned that another fish will be substituted for salmon which is not kosher.”
Of course, as quality seafood providers, we are proud to confirm that within our operation there is NO risk of mislabeling or reason to worry for one of our fish to be disguised by a cheaper, mislabeled substitute.

Most of our salmon products are sold skin-on, including all salmon species fillets and portions plus the bulk of our smoked salmon products. Some of our value-added products like our smoked salmon dip or ravioli do not come skin-on, thus not showing their scales, but we can proudly guarantee that these products were made with the same salmon that you’ll recognize in our quality wild Alaska sockeye fillets and portions.
That being said, our back-of-house kitchen is not certified kosher even though we take pride in our clean kitchen and environment. Because we sell other non-kosher seafood like scallops and shrimp, we cannot guarantee that our kitchen tools have not previously interacted with these products.
A note on our Nova Style Sockeye Salmon: if you’re looking to bring the deli experience home, this is the product you’re looking for. Rather than the traditional salt-cured gravlax or lox, this product is cold-smoked to perfection and works deliciously and delicately on a bagel or a cracker. This is more and more what folks recognize when they think of lox. The current owner of New York’s famous Russ & Daughters, explained the evolution of the tradition in this 2015 Bon Appétit article, “‘When someone under the age of 65 comes in and asks for lox, we're like, 'Oh, are you sure you mean lox and not smoked salmon?'" Because what most people assume to be lox is actually smoked salmon.’”
We are proud to offer a beloved product, made of the same quality wild salmon as our fillets.
This bagel is made with our skin-on smoked sockeye salmon, in a recipe by Emma Frisch. Find it here!
1 comment
Yes I would love to order but can’t exactly as you said that same equipment can be used for any non kosher sea food 😞