A while back, I put together a recipe compilation post called “Alternative Uses for Salmon Burgers.” It’s a great, resourceful list of ideas of how to make our wild sockeye salmon house-made burgers work for you, your dietary restrictions (lots of gluten-free ideas and possibilities in there!), and how to include salmon in your diet 2x week without having burger night 2x a week. Not that's there's anything wrong with that -- we do have four salmon burger varieties after all!
Since that post, however, we’ve added a new product to the Wild for Salmon wild and sustainable seafood line: Ground Sockeye Salmon. You might have missed it, as it’s listed on the Salmon Burgers Product page. That’s because this product is the base for our four varieties of salmon burgers--but more versatile in case you want to DIY your own salmon burger, try out a salmon loaf (think meatloaf, not bread), salmon sloppy joes, add some protein to your veggie stir-fry, etc. At just $14.00 for a whole pound of skinless, boneless, ready-to-cook salmon meat, this is a great value product that we are excited to share with you.
Here are some of our favorite recipes that call for our sockeye prepared this way. Previously, for this style of recipe, we often recommended folks buy the plain burgers, cook, then crumble them. Or, cook a fillet, peel off the skin and flake the meat. Now, we’ve saved you some key time and steps. Because who couldn’t use a little more time in each day?
Here’s another compilation of favorites, this time curated for our new ground sockeye salmon.

Josh’s Fishtival Sliders These were a hit at last summer’s Fishtival; the new ground product gives you the flexibility of flavors. Don’t have sundried tomatoes on hand? Sauté some veggies and work them into the meat, instead. Don’t skip the Asian slaw, though...so yummy!
That same Fishtival, our friends from Mike's Food Truck joined us and brought a salmon chowder. When we asked Mike for the recipe, he explained that he uses two Wild for Salmon products, the first being crumbled Sockeye Salmon Burgers. These days, we can sub that for the ground product -- easy!
We are so psyched when we hear from customers who have been able to work salmon into their weekly dinners, especially those with small kids. This recipe for Baked Salmon Meatballs is a perfect one for finger-food loving families, and with the ground sockeye, the hardest part will be waiting for the product to thaw. Reports say these would also be fun to make with kids! Send us photos if you do!

Finally, tacos. I’ll just leave it at that.
Just kidding...try Josh’s marinade and spice mixture like this one in our fish taco recipe in a sauté pan with the ground salmon, heat up those corn tortillas and top with the avocado salsa. Or, simply cook the ground salmon with your go-to taco seasoning and proceed as you would with beef!