Nashville Hot Sauce Salmon Burger

If you're a fan of spicy foods and love burgers, you'll definitely want to try the Nashville hot sauce salmon burger!...

Katsu Sando

Katsu sando is a popular Japanese dish that consists of a breaded and fried meat cutlet, typically pork or chicken...

Maui Salmon Burger

  A salmon burger with grilled pineapple and fujikake spread is a delicious and healthy way to enjoy a burger. The...

Greeked out Salmon Burger

 A salmon burger with Greek-style toppings is a delicious and healthy meal that combines the succulent flavors of sal...

Caprese Salmon Burger

  A salmon burger with caprese topping is a delicious and healthy meal option that is perfect for anyone looking f...

The Classic Burger

  A salmon burger with classic toppings is a delicious and healthy alternative to a traditional beef burger. Made ...

How to dress a Salmon Burger, Wild for Salmon Style

Wild for Salmon offers wild salmon burgers delivered and shipped straight to your door. Our wild sockeye salmon burg...

Ground Salmon Recipe (g)Round Up!

A while back, I put together a recipe compilation post called “Alternative Uses for Salmon Burgers.” It’s a great, re...

Josh's Fishtival Salmon Sliders

[[ recipeID=recipe-9l4oho91l, title=JOSH'S FISHTIVAL SALMON SLIDERS ]]  

Alternatives Uses for Salmon Burgers!

What else can you do with our salmon burgers? Lots!

Sundried Tomato, Basil and Goat Cheese Sliders

[[ recipeID=recipe-9l4r3gom6, title=SUNDRIED TOMATO, BASIL AND GOAT CHEESE SLIDERS ]]

Sauteed Burger

[[ recipeID=recipe-9l4r5ff5m, title=FETA - DILL SALMON BURGER WITH CREAMY DILL SAUCE ]]  

Baked Salmon Meatballs

[[ recipeID=recipe-9l4rbjowo, title=BAKED SALMON MEATBALLS ]]